Robert's Rants
Robert's Rants
A personal blog on the Canadian pesticide industry and other pet peeves and interests

So about this “Residential” definition

It makes you wonder how many people (including children) sat around in a committee, eating tax dollar donuts, did it take to come up with a definition for ”residential”?

This ones from Demand CS

11.2 Animal Housing (such as poultry and livestock housing)

For indoor applications to residential areas (where the general public, including children may be exposed), DO NOT apply as a broadcast, perimeter or spot treatment.

So a poultry barn is animal housing but is also human housing if your this general public person, including children? So animal residential until the poultryman’s wife drops off lunch then its residential, including children?

Dragnet EC: can anyone tell me what the *** the *** definition is for non-residential?

Indoor Broadcast (Permitted only in non-food/non-feed handling establishments* and non-residential** structures): DO NOT apply indoors in food/feed handling establishments* and in residential areas** as a broadcast application. Indoor broadcast application in non-food/non-feed handling establishments* and in non-residential** buildings is to broad expanses of indoor structural surfaces, such as walls, floors, ceilings and indoor foundation walls/crawlspaces.

**Residential areas are defined as any use site where the general public, including children, could be exposed during or after application. For structural uses, in residential sites, this includes homes, schools, restaurants, public buildings, modes of transport in areas where passengers are present, or any other areas where the general public including children may potentially be exposed.

How much time and effort was spent on coming up with something like this crap that comes out of these committees, meetings, zooms or my fav Teams? Ka-ching

It’s like the long story told and at the end they say ”You had to be there”

No duh.

Hey Doug, here’s how to save the Green Belt in 3 easy steps

Step one: renege on the deal brokered at your daughters shindig

Step two: enact a new law that all golf courses can only have 15 holes

Step three: build to your hearts content on the 90 hectares of land freed by making rich fat cats play 3 holes twice!

There you go. Green Belt saved.

Your welcome.